Thank you for making a dining reservation at Brasserie Blanc {{ restName }}.
We are pleased to confirm your reservation on {{ slotDateFormated }} for {{ BookingData.adults }} at {{ Time.time }}.
The contact number we have noted for you is: {{ BookingData.telephoneNumber }}
Venue area: {{ BookingData.areaName }}
Menu choice:{{ }}
Extras: {{ }}
Confirmation code: {{ BookingData.bookingReference }}
If you have any queries regarding your booking or if we can be of further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us.
Why don't you look at our menus ahead of dining?
If you are feeling at all unwell we would ask that you delay your visit with us. Please let us know so we can allocate your reservation to other guests.
Please note that we continue to be cashless so payment is by card only.
For bookings of up to 4 people, you will have the table for 2 hours. Bookings of 5+ will be 2.5 hours.
If you have any queries regarding your booking or if we can be of further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you.